YAO Company’s Yin-care®
Ambassador Program

You chose to become a practitioner of medicine because likely you knew you had the capacity to facilitate healing for people. You are compassionate, patient, a problem solver.
You somehow fell in love with the medicine you are practicing, and you knew it had a bigger more robust capacity to assist people then the limited standard of care to which people have been served up as their “only option”.
At YAO Company we see our culture shifting out of the victimized helpless paradigm of medicine, one that offers up a limited number of options and into a new space of health creation. A transformative space where through physical healing, which can be coupled with mental, emotional and spiritual healing, we move from human beings to Humana Illuminatus an entirely new being altogether. In this state, we have unlimited capacity for health expansion.
Women are Foundational
We see that women are foundational in this societal transformation. Women are at the center of our families and communities. As women get well, they very naturally want to help others, and even teach others how they did it. They want to share it with their families (mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, partners, sons and daughters). They want to share it with their communities (friends, colleagues, and more).

YAO’s Deep Soul Mission
We are looking at a soul mission of moving the needle for society. This is not a business plan with rational revenue streams. This is a call to action to align with others to be part of something bigger. Stimulating the remembrance in women of their own power to create health for themselves.
Being a part of the Yin-care® Ambassador program is not about promoting Yin-care®’s Herbal Wash. We already know that you will naturally do that. You have already told us that you love our product, that you stand behind what we are doing. This is MORE than that. This is about YOU standing behind the following values for your practice and your patients.
The Yin-care® Ambassador Program Code:
- I commit to inspire in my patients the memory of their own intuitive wisdom for creating health
- I commit to do what it takes to teach my patients how to trust in themselves once again
- I commit to knowing what peace in the body means as knowing peace internally creates peace externally
- I commit to my own health journey towards a deep and powerful longevity that will inspire my patients for their own potentiality
- I commit to the study of medicine and associated wisdoms that assist me in being the very best care provider I can be for my patients
- I commit to working together with others who are similarly committed along this path in a celebration of a joyful journey of transforming medicine as we currently know it
What does that commitment look like as it relates to working with YAO Company’s Yin-care® Ambassador Program?
This is all new to us as well. We are in the baby stages of inspiring this in all of you. Your energetic response will in many ways determine the magic of the transformative process.
- That being said, we will start out with some discovery calls finding out, where your challenges are. What are the pain points in simply working with healing the trust relationship. How can Yin-care® support you in providing tools or languaging that facilitates healing between doctors and patients. How can we assist both smaller and larger practices. Where are you limited?
- We also want to get to know who you are? What is your practice like? How did you get into it, why do you LOVE what you do and how can we support getting your message out to the world? Let’s get you on the Yin-care® podcast. Let’s feature you in our newsletter or resource page!
- We want to inspire you with cutting edge adjacent practices that your patients may be harnessing as part of their journey such as free birthing. We want you to know deeply what these practices are so that you can be there to support the women in your practice.
- We want to help you to support your patient if they are straddling care with western medicine.
- More than anything we want to help shift the patient mindset from doing what is “covered” by their “health plan” to choosing what is creating health by showing them the financial feasibility.
- And from time to time we may also have some Yin-care® product or course oriented information that we might request you pass along or share with your fellow colleagues or patients, but as you can see that’s not our biggest focus.
Western Medicine is Falling Apart
If you are paying any mind to what is happening around you in medicine right now, you will see that western medicine is falling apart at the seams. The increased cost in health insurance, the lack of quality care, the dismissiveness of physicians to patients’ concerns, the blindly followed protocols and procedures that are not even always following good science. It is time for YOUR medicine to shine.
Your Medicine is not “Complementary” or” Alternative”. Those are terms that are defined by western medicine to put you outside of what they have determined to be the “normal” box. Your medicine is MEDICINE! It is YAO! Own it. Let’s be done with conversations that start with, “Well don’t get me wrong, western medicine is definitely needed in certain situations.” No more caveats. Just talk about the medicine you do practice. It’s POWERFUL!
YAO Company’s Yin-care® Ambassador Program
A Network of Sovereign care providers aligned with a commitment to their patients. We are not asking you to be anything other than who you are as a practitioner. We are simply wishing to align together in a movement of transformation for the empowerment specifically of women through assisting them in remembering their own womb wisdom. That this deep intuitive wisdom will awaken and remember its sovereignty in guiding health creation choices for themselves and their communities, ultimately creating a more beautiful expansive world for all of us.
What you will receive
- Invite to community online meetings of other Yin-care® Ambassadors across the nation, quarterly or potentially monthly depending on demand
- Your practice listed as a featured Yin-care® Ambassador practice on the Resource page on the yincare.com website
- Invitation to be on The Yin-care® Podcast
- Promotion for your practice on The Yin-care® social media platforms
- Opportunities to work with Yin-care® in Affiliate relationships should you have products or services you wish to promote through Yin-care®