Gluten Free Weeeeeeee! Never Going Back! Talk May 19th @Harmonia, Sausalito, CA

May 9, 2013 | Blog, Diet, Nutrition, Personal, Wellness, Yin-care | 0 comments

As many of you know, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s hypothyroiditis several years back, and as part of my process in correcting the autoimmune reaction, I chose to drastically change my diet.  I also discovered while unraveling additional food sensitivities, that I have both the gene for Celiac Sprue AND a Gluten Sensitivity gene.  Double whammy!

I have been gluten free (GF), dairy free and egg free since 2009. Shortly after that, I explored even further other foods that my body was reacting to and have taken them out and reintroduced them accordingly, etc. etc.

I am thrilled to announce that I will be giving a live talk at Harmonia located at the former iconic Record Plant in Sausalito! (Details below).  This historic locale was home to the recording studio where the famous Fleetwood Mac album Rumours came into being.  New Riders of the Purple Sage and Sly and the Family Stone also recorded there among others.

Jennifer Adler, Founder and Managing Director of Harmonia has taken on the task of converting these historic recording studios into Harmonia’s Wellness Center and future yoga studios.  “Harmonia is where Rock and Roll meets yoga,” Jennifer describes to me as she showed me the lovely Garden Studio where the Wellness Classes are given. She has done an incredible job of creating a clean vibrant feel inside of a place with such great history.

Inspired by the Rumours album, I decided that I would title the Gluten Free talk, “Never Going Back”.

Never Going Back to Gluten that is!  At least for myself and for many others. I like the way the song fits with the talk.  It talks of going back one time, two times, three times and then never going back again.  It speaks of the essence of understanding that the relationship was not meant to be and that hope exists in the world for other possibility.

When you have had such a VAST improvement in your life after removing gluten (much like a toxic relationship), you really do never want to go back.  People will often say,”Oh, that is really too bad that you have celiac.  That must be horrible.” Truly it is not, and in this talk I will show you HOW that it is not and WHY it is a daily choice for true health and happiness for those of us with a toxic relationship to gluten.

So this is what I have for ALL of you who will be attending.  I promise you that you will have the most awesome tool box to take home with you for Gluten Free survival. You will learn the ins and outs of Gluten, its’ effect on our digestive systems, and the relationship it has to inflammation and leaky gut syndrome. Those who attend will not only learn how to carefully and thoughtfully read food labels but also learn specific sneaky foods, types of foods and restaurants where gluten lurks.  You will also be invited to try some of my FAVORITE gluten free tasty goodies (seriously you don’t want to miss this tasting…I will be bringing goodies from local gluten free bakeries).  Featured items from Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods will be showcased and described how they can be integrated into your regular daily living through cooking and in finding “replacements” for your old faves.  As a Wellcoach, I don’t want to leave you without legs to stand on, so we will discuss social eating, cooking for others who aren’t gluten free such as your family or friends, etc.  And of course, first steps you might consider taking in going Gluten Free.

UPDATED INFO – You can now purchase this course in replay! Fabulous information for both going gluten free or even other food sensitivities.

Sign up NOW or forward this on to all of your friends who have recently discovered that they think they need to go gluten free or are considering going gluten free or simply just want to know more about what gluten free is all about. This is NOT a “trendy” talk.  This is a nitty gritty talk that will inspire you, educate you and NO DOUBT, entertain you.  Look forward to seeing you there!

In love, light and ANTI -inflammation,

Margaret, Yin-care®’s The Mother Rising.

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