Home Town Groove…

Feb 19, 2014 | Blog, Divorce, Parenting, Personal | 0 comments


Yiddles…our Los Gatos Dog Snuggling on the bed

I have spent a lot of time lately writing and writing and writing…writing emails, writing content for web landing pages, for videos, for marketing material, for my radio show…and on and on.  Truly all that I am writing comes from the passion within as it emanates from a place inside me that is enlivened by it’s purpose…being of service to others going through the challenge of divorce, it is NOT the same as just writing. Writing my story.  My NOW story.  So tonight, I take a brief reprieve as coach, as anything that anyone may “think” I am to just be who I am.  I’m not going to tame my paragraphs or watch my languaging. I’m just going to be me, the real deal Margaret.

At present, I am visiting my parents home.  Coming to Los Gatos, my home town in California feels so relaxing.  There is a sense of knowing that there is a certain structure here…even if the buildings or shops change…the energy captured at the base of the hills leading into the Santa Cruz Mountains holds a happy magic.  It’s beautiful to the eye, the weather is lovely, the air smells good and the people that work in all the shops seem so chill. There are also the familiar faces…friends’ families that still live here, friends who still are in the area and even grocery clerks who are still working their same job!  It’s really cool.


Yiddles looking out over Los Gatos Creek

Some may feel stifled in this type of environment, but for me it allows me to feel incredibly supported and rooted in my life.  I always felt nurtured in this community where I grew up and it was always my wish that my children could feel that here as well.  3 years ago, I moved back here when I was asked to leave the house where I had been living with my ex-husband.  I had so many mixed feelings about being here at that time.  I was so worried.  I felt very self-conscious of a “failed” marriage,etc. But the people of Los Gatos reached out to me.  I had so many old friends and their parents checking in on me, inviting me to lunch or to BBQ’s.

The summer following, the children lived in Los Gatos here with me on my custodial time at my parents’ house. It was a rough time in many ways for them as we didn’t know what would happen after the summer, but they embraced Los Gatos.  They learned about scootering down to the Farmer’s Market and walking down to get a Slurpee at 7-11.  They met some friends in camps and learned to play tennis with my Dad.  They found special spots in the house to hide and read their books and spaces where they could sneak away and play on their iTouch.  Slowly it became a second home.

One of the other things that has made it home is that our dog Yiddles ended up coming to live here in Los Gatos.  Though we have surrendered his custody to my parents, he is still our dog in our heart and we are always so glad to see him.

It’s such a joy for me when we come down to visit my parents now to see my kids just relax into the groove.  And they are so helpful now…with dinner, clean up, etc.  They can actually walk themselves to the high school tennis courts to play tennis.  They are able to really do some things on their own…it’s so exciting!

In any case, I am just sinking back in my bed in my old bedroom…loving the fact that my kids had a super fun day of not doing much, but my daughter said it perfectly, “I’m just so happy Mom.  I get to be with everyone I love.”  That is a wonderful gift to be able to give your kids.  What a fabulous way to end a few days with my parents in Los Gatos!

In fullness of heart,

Margaret, Yin-care®’s Mother Rising

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