Margaret Jacobson – The Mother Rising
The Mother Rising was given to me by my beloved who saw that I needed a name and handle that would present me as the strong woman he saw me to be. He saw me rising like a phoenix from the ashes of destruction.
The Mother Rising is about my rising through true Yin-care®

The Mother Rising is about my rising. It is all about empowering those going through, having gone through or considering divorce, to take charge of their health and happiness through supportive mental, emotional, spiritual and physical practices. These fun and playful splashes of inspiration and empowerment with my personal dash of fire it up feminism will awaken your sleeping bits from within and find you refreshingly connected with enthusiasm to your own deeper purpose and vision of wellness through Margaret’s Coaching Services, my fun and interactive Facebook community, Twitter Feed, and rich and reflective blogs both on this site and on Your Tango.
Here you’ll find gathered insights, inquiries, mischievous mindfulness and fun ways to tend your sacred inner flame. I’m excited and honored to share with you the gems of joy and guidance I’ve discovered along my journey.
I am constantly seeking opportunities for celebration, prompts for reverence, a nourishing sense of connection, and above all, ever-deepening empowerment. And thankfully for all of us, I don’t take myself too seriously!
The Wonder of Woman
My own life has undergone deep transformation as I’ve connected to a different, truer femininity. It’s timeless, resonant, and embodied. My own discovered yin-care® is infused with surrender, grace, and wisdom. And I have been delighted to discover that it has nothing to do with man-hating or whether I shave my legs.
Embracing our femininity means enjoying and revering everything in us that’s sensual, special, and sacred. It means embracing all of it: the soft and the smelly, the strong and the anguished. Tapping into these depths connects us to ourselves, to our mothers, our sisters, and our children. This astonishingly beautiful path is available to every woman, the world over.
Margaret’s Journey
A little over a decade ago, I had my first child. The prospect of caring for another human being was radically humbling for me. Everything I thought I knew was stripped away and I was left with the terrifying, liberating truth of my own vulnerability.
Since then, I’ve learned that it’s when we’re most vulnerable that we find our deepest strength.
I sought wisdom and support from other mothers. I wanted to know everything: how they put their children to bed at night, how they used language lovingly, and how they related to their inner critic. I hungered for ways to make sure my children and I were growing deeper in our connection to the world, each other, and our inner wisdom.
Luckily, I connected with a group of Moms with whom I’d done prenatal yoga. And though this group was truly life saving and expanding for me at the time, as time passed and years went by…my ideas grew further outside of their box and I was cancelled by that group of women. I longed for places where all of me was welcome, just as I was.
I widened my search and found my own teachers and peers. Diverse and disparate people were doing work that resonated with me. I read voraciously and listened to podcasts as I drove, washed dishes, and did laundry. I found inspiration, tools, and connection.
Slowly, a miraculous transformation occurred through consistent Yin-care®
I gradually learned to trust my intuition, my body, and the good will of the world around me. I reconnected with the rhythms of the earth, the moon, and the seasons. I nourished my children and myself with the best food I had the time and money to prepare. Sometimes my journey took frightening leaps, sometimes it was slow as molasses. My bedrock was gentle baby steps of kindness towards myself like drinking more water, repeating affirmations, and committing to yoga once a week. I asked for forgiveness and guidance. I began overflowing with reverence and gratitude.
Over time, these humble changes generated quantum leaps in my wellbeing. I incorporated all of my newfound softness and strength into my mothering. The deeper my connection with myself grew, the deeper I connected with everyone and everything around me. And I realized that the deep intuitive connection I was having was flowing through my womb. My womb was guiding me with the truest of wisdom, and it was expanding my heart.
This sometimes meant recognizing a disconnection and letting go. Some friends — even my now ex-husband — couldn’t continue the journey with me. The changes I made rippled through their pond in ways they weren’t sure they wanted. I’ve mourned these losses as deeply as I’ve celebrated my triumphs.
My journey as a mother and conscious woman has challenged and stretched me more than I can speak. I’ve grieved the loss of a 17 year marriage. I’ve battled several major health challenges. I’ve undergone doubt, confusion, guilt, shame, and despair. Along the way, I’ve witnessed first hand the truth in Carolyn Myss’ statement: Just when you think you are the most alone, you’re the most held.
I’m humbled and grateful for my growing list of teachers, which includes my beautiful spirit mate and husband, Daniel Hudson who poured his heart and soul into my healing and whose love reverberates radially between multiple planes of existence; my three children and my loving and incredibly supportive parents. Yes, there is beautiful deep inspirational love to be found.
My journey is Yin-care®. It has been one of reclaiming power, deepening connections, and celebrating the beauty all around us. Sharing time, insights, and laughter with other women has been essential for me. May we all find the essence of womb wisdom within us be we female or male. We can each dig deep for the mother within. Grateful to be of service, it’s my honor to share my journey and myself with you here at Yin-care®.
I honestly don’t know what I would do without Margaret.
She has been able to, and continues to be able to find the light inside me when I keep thinking it has gone out. She reignites that flame sometimes daily with her amazing responses to my texts or emails that just put me right back on track. Her ability to pull me out of what has been a daily and life long drama and to continually see the bigger picture is not only truly awesome, it has also given me a clearer vision, a sharper focus and an understanding of my life’s purpose. She makes me laugh when I want to sink into an oblivion of tears. She rises me up when I feel desolate. I am forever grateful for all she has done for me. For those contemplating hiring Margaret, DO NOT PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY TO WORK WITH MARGARET! She will make your heart sing and face shine anew. She is sent from the Goddess. She is amazing.
— Chris Jhee
My journey has been one of reclaiming power, deepening connections, and celebrating the beauty all around us. Sharing time, insights, and laughter with other women has been essential for me. May we all find the essence of mother within us be we female or male. We can each dig deep for the mother within. Grateful to be of service, it’s my honor to share my journey and myself with you here at The Mother Rising.