Owwww! Happy Full Moon and Watch out for the Eclipse!

May 25, 2013 | Blog, Moon, Personal, Spiritual, Yin-care | 0 comments

Silhouette of Young Woman Doing YogaWelcome to your softening.  I love learning about the effects of the astrological weather patterns.  It always has so much that is playing on us.  Sometimes I think I’m just stuck or in a funk and then I turn around and look up where the moon is, what is happening with the planets and then I see that it all makes absolutely perfectly beautiful sense.  I just take a moment to reflect on the movement of happenings around me and see that truly it is a reflection of what is happening in the movement of the celestial bodies.

When you move onto your path of empowered femininity, you need to embody a deep deep space of humility and yet be able to hold yourself as a vessel for grace in empowering others as they dance around you.  If you can take the perspective that your community functions as a body and at any one time, there may be an infection.  Someone has invaded and others begin attacking that body while others in the midst are creating healthy new networks to sustain beauty and vitality.  You are that anchor in the dance of being around you.

And so in this time of the eclipse, we go inward and with that deep humility look honestly at ourselves and our actions as they have transpired in that dance.  We breathe light and love and compassion into our being and release any of the dark shadowy holdings that have come into our awareness during this eclipse that no longer serve. When we can do this in a space of honesty and reflection we become that strong anchor.  We are able to hold things down without attachment to the behaviors of others.  It simply is.  We become a place (when the eclipse has passed) for others to truly shine their light on us and see their own inner reflection.

Being able to offer this to others can be a path of loneliness and yet a space for deep overpowering love and connection with the divine. If you are on this path, I encourage you to consider this opportunity to reflect in the following ways…


1 – Find a space where you can feel comfortable, safe and life can generally be quiet for a few minutes.

2 – Feel into your heart.  Allow for the in breath and the out breath to unite inside that beautiful space we call the heart.  Find your inner altar, your inner sanctuary where your breath can clean the room you have created inside your heart.  Let your heart feel cool and light and full of brightness.

3 – Allow for all of the ways you may have acted, behaved, been in the past weeks that have a sense of stuck confusing qualities…a place that feels muddled and possibly misunderstood. If there are tears allow them to surface.  Your ego will want to jump in and cover this up.  Breath deeper into that sweet spot where you feel the resistance of the ego.  Allow your awareness to deepen and feel embarrassment, humiliation or whichever emotions come up.  And again, just breath in the divine breath of love knowing that you are always held in all your forms.  That judgement doesn’t actually exist except in what you have created in your head, and what others have created in theirs.  So allow yourself to just be in your breath of love.

4 -Now when you feel cleanly in your heart, find that energy of where you wish to be.  In Wellcoaching we  call it that the place of vision.  Make it super tangible.  What are you doing..what activities, habits do you have?  More importantly, how do you feel in this space.  What does this new space hold for you vibrationally? When you contact that feeling, allow it to resonate in your heart.

5 – Now lock it in.  I like to connect with the nature around me regardless as to if you are practicing this inside or outside.  If you are by a local creek or river, imagine it feeding directly into your heart.  If you are by a mountain feel that feed into your heart.  If you are by the ocean feel it feed into your heart.  If you can’t think of a local natural landmark, then simply envision the energy from the center of the earth rising through you and uniting with the energy coming down from the stars within your heart.  Then in 3D feel that energy blasting out from your heart and vibrating all around you for miles and miles and miles!  You own this now. Sit and feel it extend from within you to the great vastness of beyond you.

6- I like to end in prayer and gratitude.  So a soft thought or word of thanks to the energy that moved you to practice today.  A prayer for the body/community that you serve and anchor.  Asking all forces surrounding you to assist in moving your loving energy out to all of those who are in need.

You are surrendering now.  You are holding yourself in your vulnerability and allowing the softening of your figurative cervix to birth yourself anew.  Be aware that in your vulnerability, you are more susceptible to choices that may not serve your movement into the light.  Caroline Myss describes Evil as the space where your vulnerabilities are highlighted.  This means that when you allow the vulnerabilities to shine, you are at a choice crossroads.  You can either choose your old patterns that can lead to “evil” doings…things that are both harmful to you and to others, OR you can choose your new space where what may feel like humiliation can empower you into becoming humble and strong…very strong.

Let the Full Moon Eclipse shine brightly into your heart,

Margaret Jacobson, Yin-care®’s Mother Rising

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