external, Clothing, Regular Products

Eriu Woolen Blankets, Sweaters, Hats & More

Shop the beautiful line of Eriu woolen products. Adorn your body with beautifully hand made natural fiber products, expand your body's natural frequency, and true divine presence. Increase your connection to purpose, dreamtime and of course, as Eriu herself would have it - your sovereignty!

Click through to Eriu website for pricing and don't forget to use the code: YINCARE  and receive 15% off all products while at the same time giving a little back to Yin-care®!

For more great information, please enjoy the podcast I did with Zoë Daly, Founder and Co-Owner of Eriu. It's a wonderful interview and great way to learn more about the story behind Eriu wool and why it is so incredibly special.

You are going to absolutely love having these products on your body and in your home!