Yin-care® Welcomes The Year of the Snake

Jan 31, 2025 | Blog, Featured, Spiritual, Yin-care | 0 comments

It’s official! With this new moon at 5:35 am that happened on January 29th Mountain time, we have fully moved into the new lunar year. We are waving goodbye for another 11 years to the Wood Dragon. The next time we meet our lovely transformative Dragon again will be a Fire Dragon in 2036. 

So who is it we are saying hello to? The Wood Snake. I am not a practitioner of Chinese Medicine nor of Chinese Astrology; however, I am clearly surrounded by Chinese Medicine in my husband’s practice and in all of the products we use and that he creates based on those principles. So I have an inner knowing about how it feels for me. I have absorbed what he has taught me and reflected deeply on my own life as to what snake has brought to me. 

I am a Dog by year, Ox by month and then I have both Pig and Snake in my chart as either the day or the hour. So having some snake in my chart, I do feel like I have a resonance with it. Snake, for me, is very introspective. She is the aspect of me that needs that private spiritual development, the sacred kindling of my own flames of truth. She has a very private den that does not like to be disrupted. I don’t like to share these very personal meditations, prayers etc. It’s for me and no one else. 

Snake for me is also very sexual and sensual and these aspects really merge with my spirituality. In this way, snake has helped me to understand the deeply transformative ways of sacred pleasure and joy. For me, this is never something I would call erotic. It has this beautiful angelic innocence and celebration. 

If I ever feel invaded in these areas or exposed in any way, the snake energy wants to quickly strike at the one who has created the invasion or exposure. It is a very irrational and a quick inoculation of whoever or whatever it happens to be. My snake in her den allows herself to be exposed and vulnerable and therefore anything that has uncovered this takes a hit. 

The most interesting part of snake for me though has been this literal skin shedding. I have really had this propensity over the last few years to have snake really show me what it feels like to shed her skin. Living in the cold dry weather of Wyoming, each of the last few winters, I have undergone about a 2 month period from end of November to nearly end of January where my skin is adjusting and transforming. It’s like I have to sync up my internal and external worlds to create a re-alignment

Shedding is uncomfortable and irritating and sometimes really really frustrating; however, when it’s over you feel AMAZING in your new skin. So here’s to The Great Shedding and The Year of the Wood Snake of 2025! May we all shed, strike, retreat, feel, and grow and may the blessings you receive along this journey be boundless.



P.S. You are going to LOVE our next podcast airing this next Tuesday February 4th where I interview Veronica Rickson, creator of The Menstrual Calendar Journal. Stay tuned on our social media channels for some awesome teaser snippets from the interview. (Available by video on YouTube & Rumble. Available by audio on Apple Podcasts & Spotify)

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