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Meditation: connecting with womb space

NOTE TO JONAH – This will likely also be the video that Hari and I put together for the womb empowerments – they will get that free here in the first Module.

Extras Resources

Brene Brown Video – Anatomy of Trust on Super Soul Convesations – Shorter video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SqFiTeka_I

Brene Brown Audio of Anatomy of Trust on Super Soul Conversations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1KLBQ-4u_Q

Ted Talk with Jennifer Brea – What happens when you have a disease doctors can’t diagnose? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb3yp4uJhq0


Alanis Morissette – Thank U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOgpT5rEKIU&list=PL45XEkZQYevlP-tew3aiaWr8ywXJ4Wf3S

Peter Gabriel – Shaking The Tree – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Q79lls1f0&list=PL45XEkZQYevlP-tew3aiaWr8ywXJ4Wf3S&index=5


Watch – Brene Brown’s video and go over the pdf she has shared publicly about the break down of Braving (Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-Judgement, and Generosity).

Journaling – Journal about the following:

In looking at your relationship with your care provider/s and using the BRAVING model, where has trust broken down?  Which aspects of the BRAVING Inventory are biggies for you?

Take time to reflect on what happened or happens, and why.

Now look at your relationship with yourself as it relates to looking out for yourself and your own health using the BRAVING model, where has trust broken down? Which aspects of the BRAVING Inventory are biggies for you?

Again, take time here and reflect on what happened or happens for you and why.

If you were to pick one Braving Inventory item as it relates to creating a more trusting relationship with yourself, an item that you feel like needs some bolstering, a little TLC, which would it be?

What are some ways you feel like you can create baby steps to improve? If you are stumped, that is absolutely, ok. That is why we are in this class. Brave it and bring it up in our discussion time!