Yin-care®’s Herbal Wash – Creating a 10% Dilution

Apr 2, 2020 | Blog, Wellness, Yin-care | 0 comments

The Magic of the 10% Dilution

It’s true…there is a bit of magic in the 10% dilution.  Where other non-Chinese medical modalities will apply a treatment that goes in and obliterates the entire microbiome, Yin-care®’s Herbal Wash solution has this incredible way of going in and effectively resolving a damp or damp-heat condition while rebalancing the microbiome of the region to which it is applied. It effectively has been shown in scientific research at the University levels in the People’s Republic of China that Yin-care®’s Herbal Wash solution lyses unwanted bacteria that can be growing out of balance such as yeast and Gardnerella while allowing the lactobacilli to continue to proliferate.  This gentle application can quickly resolve the damp or damp-heat condition while at the same time feeling quite good to the individual to which it is applied as it is very cooling and relieving. When the dilution goes above 12-15% – there can be a risk of beginning to lyse lactobacilli as well. In some of your cases damp or damp heat can progress into toxic heat. As this becomes apparent a practitioner may recommend that their patient increase the dilution and may also adjust the application.  That being said, predominantly the 10% dilution can be used with success and can also be used as a regular cleansing routine as a douche.

For increased acidity in some cases, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar may be added to the dilution.  This can work incredibly well for many women needing just a little extra acidic boost.

Dual Extractions

We always feel it is important to remind both practitioners and patients that the solution is created through a dual extraction method whereby it contains both an essential oil based extraction as well as a water based extraction.  This is extremely important to keep in mind as you choose the dilution that you will recommend.  As you can imagine applying a full strength (undiluted) compress to an area that may be irritated would likely increase irritation when the skin comes into contact with the essential oils within the Herbal Wash.  Please mindfully choose both the dilution and application that you recommend.

Creating the 10% Dilution using the Plastic Accordion Applicator



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