Four Weeks of Free Fall Secrets to Living Courageously

Oct 11, 2013 | Spiritual, Wellness, Yin-care | 0 comments


Snow dusted Rockies from the plane.

It’s that time of year!  We are really moving from Summer into full blown Fall.  Yes even in California, we are quickly wrapping up our Indian Summer and feeling the crisper weather.  The longer sleeves instead of shorter sleeves are being dawned.  Light sweaters to cover up, etc.

This year, I get an extra special treat.  I have had the opportunity to experience “real” weather change.  My new love life has brought me back and forth between the San Francisco Bay Area where I live, in Tiburon, and Denver, Colorado at the base of the Rockies.  Last week, I was there for the very first snow.  It was so exciting.  I felt like a little kid. I could see the brightness of the snow’s reflection from between the shades as I woke up. I wanted to wait until we were both awake to share in watching it together.  What fun! I snapped a pic from my airplane ride back to California. Isn’t it gorgeous?


Echo Lake near Mt. Evans, CO.

We also went on a really beautiful ride up towards Mt. Evans to a Lake called Echo Lake. I was struck by the rapidly dropping leaves and the beginnings of bare boned trees. The incredible number of crows made me really feel the sense of the opening of the veils between worlds, between realms.  This feeling is sensed this time of year in many cultures, hence the various celebrations of our dead. I was touched by this change in seasons.

We don’t always take the time to honor ourselves at this time.  We go right from the celebration of summer and the excitement of the bounty of harvest time BAM right into preparation for “The Holidays”.  It is very taxing on our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies to be so outwardly driven this time of year. So to help you anchor in to Fall, I have created my Four Weeks of Free Fall Secrets to Living Courageously (Update – No Longer Available). Be sure to sign up and enjoy easing into Fall and preparing for Winter. 

Phoenix in the sky at sunset!

Phoenix in the sky at sunset!


In joy, love, peace and FREEDOM!

Margaret, Yin-care®’s Mother Rising


turning leaves

Love the beginning of the turning of the leaves.





Beautiful Fall lighting.

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