One Billion Rising

Feb 10, 2013 | Blog, Personal, Spiritual | 0 comments

For those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you have been watching my excitement growing as VDAY approaches and One Billion women will RISE up!  One Billion Rising is an organization that is promoting a celebration of women rising up against violence on Valentine’s Day, February 14th 2013.  There are countless Rising events going on the world over and I find it incredibly inspirational and empowering and it is THIS WEEK! STRIKE, DANCE, RISE! is the slogan being used to break the chains that bind: sexism, abuse, enslavement, rape, and incest.  We are standing up for all the beauty we hold and offer as women.

You may be wondering why I am so moved to participate in this event and promote it.  Besides the maybe seemingly obvious answer which would be my feeling of deep connection to women and the desire to show my sisterly support, I also have some more personal experience that wouldn’t be apparent to the eye.  I may appear to be an untouched privileged white girl, but let me share with you a bit about how I have been “chained”. I experienced rape as a young high school girl (and if you happen to know me from high school, stop yourself from wondering who it was.  It was not someone I even knew well and can not remember his name.) Actually I was raped once and also asked to perform some acts that I felt very uncomfortable about on another occasion, but I did not know how to get myself out of the situation.  I experienced incredibly disrespectful relationships with boys who cheated on me often and left me with a sexually transmitted parasite…YUCK!  I also experienced several occasions of physical abuse and humiliation though I would classify it as minor in comparison to other women’s stories, it did happen none the less.  Lastly, the emotional enslavement and captivity that I chose to keep myself within was the biggest.  And I am NOT the only seemingly together person that has had these experiences!

I don’t share this to make those of you who know me personally feel uncomfortable though I am aware that it may cause a stirring inside of you as you relate to me.  I share it to expose it.  To raise my voice right along with the BILLIONS of others!  AND, for those of you following me on The Mother Rising, for my clients who feel scared and disempowered, for ANYONE reading this whom it will empower and inspire.

Please check out these links sponsored by One Billion Rising.  It will give you a clearer picture of what is happening.

There is an awesome choreographed dance that is being performed at all of the events, and if you are interested in seeing what it looks like check it out here:

Here you will find the instructions on the choreography below!

And this amazing short film that will motivate and inspire you to rise! (Warning, slightly graphic content, but important to watch):

So why dance?  Here’s what One Billion Rising says about that:

“When One Billion bodies rise and dance on 14 February 2013, we will join in solidarity, purpose and energy and shake the world into a new consciousness.  Dancing insists we take up space.  It has no set direction but we go there together.  It’s dangerous, joyous, sexual, holy, disruptive.  It breaks the rules.  It can happen anywhere at anytime with anyone and everyone.  It’s free. No corporation can control it.  It joins us and pushes us to go further.  It’s contagious and it spreads quickly. It’s of the body.  It’s transcendent.”

You may find a stirring inside of you around watching these or reading this blog.  Maybe a desire to be a part but a bit nervous or fearful to step out of your comfort zone.  You may find questions arise within you: What will other people think of me?  Participating in this would radically change other’s perception of me? It would radically change MY perception of myself!  These are all healthy normal responses to this.  Do not push yourself if you are not ready to participate in person.  It has taken me a long time to come out and be the strong outspoken woman you are witnessing through this blog entry.  Just recognize that this stirring inside of you is your deep longing for sisterhood, for freedom and for living in joy, love and peace.

So if you are not ready to attend a VDAY event, I urge you to dance in your shower on VDAY!  Dance in your kitchen.  Boogie down in your car!  Sing loud!  Soak in the solidarity of your sisters worldwide.  Be a part of One Billion Rising, in the simple act of either dancing or singing on February 14th.  I will be taking myself to Santa Cruz, CA where a friend will be speaking at the event in the downtown there.  Be sure to join me virtually on Twitter and Facebook for my adventures!


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