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Episode 04

Charles Faye of Love & Logic will be discussing his course on “Helping Kids Cope with Divorce”

March 27, 2014

Join me with Dr. Charles Fay, globally sought after thought leader in parenting children with Love and Logic. Dr. Fay and I discussed how to provide the strong anchor of supportive discipline during major life changing events such as divorce.  We covered a variety of topics from what can you control and what you can and can’t controll, being “different” in how we parent, the positive things children of divorce will learn from their situation, dating and divorce, and MORE. You won’t want to miss this!

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Guest Information

About Dr. Charles Fay

Dr. Charles Fay is the President of Love and Logic Institute, an organization that not only provides Charles_lgcoursework and materials for educators, parents and other professionals but has been committed to helping families raise respectful, responsible kids for over 36 years as well as to help create and maintain a positive relationship between kids and the adults in their lives. Dr. Fay is a globally sought after consultant, speaker and author whom as you will see has an incredible style that infuses great wisdom and humor into practical tools that you will be inspired to integrate into your parenting!

About Margaret Jacobson

After 17 years of marriage and 3 children, Margaret Jacobson divorced. The processView More: http://donh.pass.us/margaret-jacobsen and the pain of discovering that divorce was her best choice were arduous. Margaret had to summon the strength to haul her booty out of her ex’s family home and commute 60 miles each day to see her children. Through her personal transformation, Margaret created a well-rounded approach to empowering herself through mental, physical, emotional and spiritual behavior changes. She has a BA in Neuroscience, and a MA in Health Services Administration. Margaret is a certified Wellness Coach and has completed a 2-year women’s empowerment program in the Dianic Aloha tradition. At present, Margaret is Acting Minister of the Interior of YAO Company, a company that provides pure simple Chinese medicine for those who want a holistic approach to health and wellness. Margaret regularly writes for The Mother Rising blog, and the YourTango Experts page. Margaret is our very own creator of The Mother Rising radio show!

Notes & Resources

Episode Transcript