In this episode, I will be joined by leading expert and author six times over, Albert Bernstein, PhD who will be al 033cidiscussing his upcoming book, “To Fight Vampires, You Need The Calm Of A Jedi Knight And The Chutzpah Of A Jewish Mother.” Dr. Bernstein is well known for teaching people to confront difficult and frightening situations with wit, wisdom, grace and liberal doses of humor. He is an expert in his field at detailing how to spot emotionally draining relationships and how to navigate them with clarity in ways that empower the person being “sucked dry” by those with vampire like tendencies. If you are dealing with an emotional vampire or someone with possibly narcissistic or psychopathic tendencies and you are getting bowled over, you need to listen to this episode!

Empowering Yourself in the Face of the Narcissist, AKA Emotional Vampires
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Guest Information

About Dr. Albert J. Bernstein, PhD
Albert Bernstein, PhD is a clinical psychologist, Business Consultant and author of: “Dinosaur Brains, “Emotional Vampires”, “Emotional Vampires in The Work Place” , “How to Deal With Emotionally Explosive People”, “Neanderthals at Work” ,“Sacred Bull”, and “Am I the Only Sane One”. In addition he is author to his upcoming book: “To Fight Vampires, You Need the Calm of A Jedi Knight And The Chutzpah Of A Jewish Mother.” Dr. Bernstein is well known for teaching people to confront difficult and frightening situations with wit, wisdom, grace and liberal doses of humor. He is an expert in his field at detailing how to spot emotionally draining relationships and how to navigate them with clarity in ways that empower the person being “sucked dry” by those with vampire like tendencies.

About Margaret Jacobson
Margaret’s updated bio is coming soon! For now have a look here for more about her and link here –