Join Margaret and her fellow Your Tango Experts in the FIRST of The Mother Rising’s July series on Dating After Divorce. Judith Tutin, author/licensed Psychologist, and Cindy Holbrook, author/Certified Divorce Coach, will be exploring with Margaret everything you will need to know to prepare both mentally and emotionally as well as physically to head out on your first date! Yes, there is new life after divorce and romance and play are big partners in finding it! Can you imagine that first kiss? Ah to enjoy again. Don’t miss this titillating episode.

Ep 20: Preparing for Your First Date Post-Divorce: Everything You Need to Know and Feel Getting Started Again (The Dating Series)
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Guest Information

About Dr. Judith Tutin
Dr. Judith Tutin is a certified life coach and licensed psychologist in Rome, GA. She provides services for post-divorce survival, relationship enhancement, wellness, work-life balance, and living a happy and fulfilled life. She has a passion for the issues single, professional parents face when they juggle children, careers and their social lives. You can connect with her on her website,, where you will also find links to her post-divorce and positive psychology blogs. She recently completed an e-book, The Post-Divorce Survival Guide. Tools For Your Journey, available on Amazon.

About Cindy Holbrook
Cindy Holbrook is a certified divorce coach supporting women throughout the five stages of grief in their divorce recovery so that they can heal and move forward with peace, confidence and clarity. Cindy has helped thousands of women find peace and clarity during and after their divorce. She walks along side of her clients as they rediscover their identity as a single woman and forge ahead in life with a new-found hope and assurance. She draws upon her personal experience of divorcing after being in a mentally abusive marriage for 20 years as well as that of thousands of the clients she served while working in social services and in her private practice. Holbrook is a public speaker and author. She has been interviewed on several radio shows and webinars. She holds degrees in social services and psychology. You can discover her at:

About Margaret Jacobson
Margaret’s updated bio is coming soon! For now have a look here for more about her and link here –
Notes & Resources
Judith and Cindy and I had such a blast writing the article above together as well as doing the show. I love this episode as it is filled with a TON of practical information and great tips based on a LOT of real life experience. You have to hear about Judith and her earring fixation or Cindy and how she really intending her perfect match into being.