7 Reasons I Am Grateful For My Divorce
People always look at you after you have gone through a divorce, and they really want to know and see within you that you are, indeed, happy. My dad asks me all the time, "You're happy, right?" Hell yeah I'm happy! Whew! Quite the journey, but happy, joyous, in...
Extracurriculars, Family and divisive parenting with your ex…
I get it. I do. I understand that my ideas for parenting seem “different” than what other people think. Ultimately, I truly don’t care what anyone else “thinks”. At the end of the day, they are my kids during my custodial time, and I am graced to be the one who...
Four Weeks of Free Fall Secrets to Living Courageously
It's that time of year! We are really moving from Summer into full blown Fall. Yes even in California, we are quickly wrapping up our Indian Summer and feeling the crisper weather. The longer sleeves instead of shorter sleeves are being dawned. Light sweaters...
Deferring Separation or Divorce Until After the Holidays?
It's been two years now since I sat in my apartment when it was new to me and my custody of the children was a whopping 30% even though the children were living only 10 minutes away the other 70% of the time with their Dad. As one can imagine, it was a pretty...
Autoimmunity the symptom NOT the disease? Thoughts? (Finding your BRAVE)
(NOTE: I wrote this as an inspiration of my participation in a Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Facebook group. There are several parts that speak directly to that group, but you can translate it to your own circumstance. If you are having trouble and want deeper...
Owwww! Happy Full Moon and Watch out for the Eclipse!
Welcome to your softening. I love learning about the effects of the astrological weather patterns. It always has so much that is playing on us. Sometimes I think I'm just stuck or in a funk and then I turn around and look up where the moon is, what is happening...
New Moon & Solar Eclipse…second eclipse in series of three, from full moon to full moon!
On our last full Moon April 25th there was a lunar eclipse. We often times don't realize how affected we can be by the movement of the planets and the energy shifts these movements can create. I, for one, was wiped out! SO much so that the last Full Moon news...
Gluten Free Weeeeeeee! Never Going Back! Talk May 19th @Harmonia, Sausalito, CA
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's hypothyroiditis several years back, and as part of my process in correcting the autoimmune reaction, I chose to drastically change my diet. I also discovered while unraveling additional food sensitivities, that...
My Hip Opening Project
Motivated by losing inches in my hips, just over a year ago, I committed to deepening my yoga practice within my hips. A year later, I do believe that I have probably lost a little bit in measurement, but honestly, I can't remember now what I started out...
The Shoulder Pad Incident
While attending the Celebration of Life for Mr. Musser, my Mom ran into the former, possibly current owners of the original and mainstay gelato store of Los Gatos, Dolce Spazio. Dolce, as we refered to it, has been in Los Gatos since the 1980's. It's former...