
Featured, Personal, Spiritual, Wellness, Yin-care

Sunbathing post-melanoma

It’s true. I lay in the sun almost every day for about 10 minutes. And it's also true that at the age of 31, I was diagnosed with having a melanoma on my shoulder. It's an absolute commitment to expose my skin here in Wyoming especially during the winters. Parking...

Blog, Personal, Spiritual, Yin-care

Peace in my heart

A heart in a state of peace…what is that like? In a world steeped in division and tension, words like peace get tossed around and we don’t often take time to truly know it. We don't know the meaning...we don't comprehend the embodied feeling.  I absolutely 100%...

Featured, Personal, Spiritual, Wellness, Yin-care

Sunbathing post-melanoma

It’s true. I lay in the sun almost every day for about 10 minutes. And it's also true that at the age of 31, I was diagnosed with having a melanoma on my shoulder. It's an absolute commitment to expose my skin here in Wyoming especially during the winters. Parking...

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