Episode 01

Ep 01: Understanding the Nature of Transformation

February 27, 2014

We are all handed challenges in life that bring us to our knees, be it a death, an illness, divorce, loss of job or house, or even sometimes becoming a new parent or married. Big changes can rock our world and our spirit in ways we simply had no possible way to comprehend until we were in it so far deep that we thought we might drown. In this show, I will lay down some of the groundwork for the general landscape of how difficult life circumstances can manifest dependable qualities that work to dismantle our identity as we currently know it. Grasping this map of the dark night of the soul can allow you to feel less isolated and less crazy, more connected and in control. Join me for an empowering and inspiring Episode One of The Mother Rising where you will get to know me, my style and a new perspective that will leave you feeling a sense of clarity and peace within a life that may be perfectly described as temporary insanity.

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